Microsoft is reportedly releasing its Fluent-style emoji on Windows 11 this week. New optional updates for the OS are being released, including a number of important bug fixes and a number of new emojis that Microsoft previewed earlier this year. Although it's a completely new style, it's not the 3D emoji that Microsoft previously promised. It is reported that Microsoft has chosen 2D emoji instead.
Some of the newer emojis in Windows 11 include Clippy (?), And Microsoft has replaced the standard paperclip emoji with its Clippy character (?). Emoji have been redesigned to be bright and colorful, but reportedly lack the 3D elements that popped them up.
"The new emoji style is only available in Windows 11 and is 2D," Microsoft explained in a quiet update to its design blog in July. Read the article here.
3D and animated versions of this Fluent emoji appear on products such as Microsoft Teams, but if you want a newer emoji on Windows you will need to upgrade to Windows 11. Microsoft has announced that it has no plans to bring these to Windows 10.